Opdualag™ showed
a durable and superior
progression-free survival* benefit
vs nivolumab monotherapy1-3
*Kaplan-Meier estimate.1
Opdualag™ showed
a durable and superior
progression-free survival* benefit
vs nivolumab monotherapy1-3
*Kaplan-Meier estimate.1
Actor portrayal.
Symbols represent censored observations.
Median PFS at the 13.2-month median primary analysis (95% CI)1,3:
Separation of PFS curve was early—at time of first scan (at 3 months)—and sustained over time.1,3
Median PFS at 33.8-month median follow-up (95% CI)2:
*Kaplan-Meier estimate.1 †Based on stratified Cox proportional hazard model.1 ‡Based on stratified log-rank test.1
BICR=blinded independent central review; CI=confidence interval; HR=hazard ratio; mo=month; PFS=progression-free survival.
Nivolumab and Relatlimab-rmbw (Opdualag™) is recommended as a Category 1, preferred first-line treatment for unresectable or metastatic melanoma, regardless of BRAF status4
*Considerations for using combination nivolumab/ipilimumab or nivolumab and relatlimab-rmbw versus PD-1 monotherapy include: Patient willingness to take on a higher risk of treatment-related toxicities (immune-related adverse events [irAEs]); absence of comorbidities or autoimmune processes that would elevate the risk of irAEs; and patient social support and preparedness to work with medical team to handle toxicities.4 †High-volume symptomatic disease BRAF+ patients may benefit from BRAF/MEK inhibition, as opposed to combination immunotherapy.4 Otherwise, nivolumab + ipilimumab is preferred first-line over BRAF/MEK therapy due to OS benefit.4
Category 1=Based upon high-level evidence, there is uniform NCCN consensus that the intervention is appropriate4; MEK=mitogen-activated extracellular signal-regulated kinase; NCCN=National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®); Other recommended intervention=other interventions that may be somewhat less efficacious, more toxic, or based on less mature data; or significantly less affordable for similar outcomes4; Preferred intervention=Interventions that are based on superior efficacy, safety, and evidence; and when appropriate, affordability.4
Symbols represent censored observations. Based on an exploratory analysis.
BRAF mutant PFS at the 33.8-month median follow-up5:
BRAF wild-type PFS at the 33.8-month median follow-up5:
*Based on unstratified Cox proportional hazard model.5
Symbols represent censored observations.
At the 33.8-month median follow-up:
At the 19.3-month median primary analysis*:
*At the 19.3-month median primary analysis, OS was not statistically significant.1 †Based on stratified Cox proportional hazard model.1 ‡Based on stratified log-rank test.1
NR=not reached; OS=overall survival.
At the 33.8-month median follow-up:
At the 19.3-month median primary analysis*†:
*At the time of the final OS analysis, which was event-driven and occurred after the final PFS analysis.1 †Not formally tested based on the testing hierarchy.1
CR=complete response; DOR=duration of response; mDOR=median duration of response; NA=not available; ORR=overall response rates; PR=partial response.
Find information about adverse reactions seen in the clinical trial.
Learn more about the dosing schedule for this fixed-dose combination therapy.